Year 2 Class Page

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Welcome to the Year 2 Class Page
To contact Mrs Young and Mrs Barrick please email or phone 0151 648 3412.
Please inform school if you do not have online access.
Class Information evening 
 Please download the class information powerpoint and talk if you were not able to attend the meeting.
Curriculum links and resources:
Your child will bring home one or two reading books on a Thursday for the weekend. Please ensure the book is returned to school on a Monday so that we can have time to read your comments and issue new books. Reading logs will be sent home for you to make a note of the book your child has read at home, comments about how they read and any problems or progress you feel your child has made,. 
You can download below a recommended reading list for Year 2 pupils. These books are widely available from most book sellers. 
You may also wish to subscribe to Oxford Owl for additional free reading material:
Go to and click on ‘Oxford Owl for Home’ to set up an account. 
These common exception words are being used for Year 2 spellings. If your child has mastered all of the Year 2 spellings, I have attached the Y3/4 spellings so they can start practicing them.
This term our Power of reading text is 'Vlad and the Great Fire of London' This is an informative and engaging text and we will be basing our literacy learning around this story.
Please note that from the week beginning 24.2.25 P.E. will take place on  Friday afternoon. Children will need to wear P.E. kit on this day. 
This Week's Timetable
Please download below a copy of this week's timetable which details the subjects being taught and the objectives for every lesson.
Every day, first thing in the morning, we will be completing Fluent in five questions with the children. I have uploaded the week's slides should you wish to go over the questions at home. 
Reading: Reading books will be changed as and when the children bring them back into school.  Please ensure you listen to your child read at least once a week.   Reading for pleasure books will also be sent home every week if children return the previous book. 
Homework will be set each week using the Purplemash platform.  I set a number of tasks for children to complete. The children can pick which tasks they want to do but I would suggest that they complete the Maths and English tasks as these will often be linked to work we will be doing in class and will support their learning.
Downloadable Resources & Activities
Staff Preparation Area:
These are resources that we are preparing for pupils.  Please do not access or download these items as they are subject to change.   They will be moved into the timetable at the appropriate time.  Thank you for your understanding.