British Values

Dawpool recognises its duty to prepare its pupils for life in modern Britain - that living in a local, national and international community will require them to both understand and appreciate difference, whilst maintaining a shared sense of the structures that are needed to keep individuals and community safe. We celebrate and promote British values that encourage a happy and successful national community. 

At Dawpool we base the way that we behave and treat others on Christian Values, celebrating the Fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control), and teaching HeartSmart Actions and Learning Values. We recognise that these guiding principles are present in other faiths and respect them in all forms.  British and Christian values are regularly promoted through high quality teaching, a values based approach to Worship, an abundant and inclusive curriculum and a positive behaviour policy which allows pupils to develop and demonstrate skills and attributes that will allow them to contribute positively to life in Modern Britain.

Each week, Dawpool pupils focus on a big question, based on a current news story, which relates to one of the fundamental British Values: Democracy, Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect, Tolerance of Different Faiths and Beliefs. An overview of these questions is included below:


This Week's Focus

Week Commencing: 17th June.

Focus Question: Should we always be prepared for an emergency?

News Story: The UK government has launched a new website,, designed to help people plan for potential dangers and equip themselves with the necessary knowledge and resources to respond effectively. Households are encouraged to understand the hazards in their local area by checking their long-term flood risk and signing up for flood and weather warnings. Creating an emergency plan is another key aspect of being prepared, including deciding on escape routes and keeping important phone numbers to hand.

British Values: Rule of Law - Many rules and laws exist to guide us on how to behave and respond in emergency situations. We are all responsible for upholding these rules and laws to keep everyone safe.


Dear God,

Thank you for the emergency services and people who help us when we may face unexpected or dangerous times,

Thank you for guiding, comforting and preparing us for emergencies,

Thank you that we can trust you will always be there,



Week Commencing: 10th June.

Focus Question: Is voting the best way to change things?

News Story: Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, has announced that a UK general election is to take place on 4th July. He made the announcement in a press conference outside 10 Downing Street. Parliament was dissolved on Thursday 30th May, and the members of Parliament have returned to being members of the public. Many are campaigning to be re-elected. A general election is when people over 18 can vote for who they want to represent them in the UK parliament. It could mean a new government party and new leader for the UK this summer.

British Values: Democracy - We can take part in a variety of democratic activities to practice our right to vote in a school and home context. At age 18, we all have the right to vote and take part in making decisions that affect us and our country.


Dear God,

Thank you for the people who lead well and help to make the world a better place,

Thank you for giving us rules to follow,

Help us to love one another as you love each of us,



Week Commencing: 3rd June.

Focus Question: Can remembering difficult times helps us to shape a better future?

News Story: 6th June is the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Normandy, the day in 1944 when Allied forces from thirteen different countries stormed five beaches in Normandy, France. This marked the beginning of the end of World War II. A World War II veteran, Henry Rice, who is 98 and from Surrey, has called for schools to teach children more about D-Day 1944. He believes that by learning about the history of it, they could urge politicians to avoid wars.

British Values: Mutual Respect & Tolerance - Life is not the same for everyone. Learning about times in the past that others have experienced can help us develop empathy and respect.


Dear God,

Give us the strength to face difficult times,

Help us to learn from the experience of others, present and past,

Help us to move forward in a positive way,

Help us to look for hope,



Week Commencing: 20th May.

Focus Question: Is it fair to judge others based on first impressions?

News Story: An all-girls football team has won a league dominated by boys’ teams, after going unbeaten for an entire season. The Queens Park Ladies U12s finished top of their table with eighteen wins in the group of eleven boys’ teams. They were the only girls' team in the Bournemouth Youth Football League, playing in its third division for under-12s. The players, who train twice a week, have now proved themselves against the other teams.

British Values: Democracy - We each have a voice that we can use to share our opinions and desires. It is important that we use our voice to stand up for the things we believe are important, as this can lead to meaningful change.


Dear God,

Give us the wisdom to see beyond first impressions,

Give us the wisdom to embrace and celebrate our differences,

Thank you for seeing what is in our hearts,



Week Commencing: 13th May.

Focus Question: What is your identity?

News Story: Cambridge University has returned four spears to the descendants of an indigenous community in Australia, who crafted them. The four aboriginal spears are all that remain of the forty or so that British explorer, James Cook, and his team took from the Gweagal people more than 250 years ago. On their arrival in Australia in 1770, they became the first known Europeans to reach the country's east coast.

British Values: Mutual Respect & Tolerance - Every family or community has its own history, which can help to shape each individual member. When we understand and embrace this, we can treat everyone with empathy and respect.


Dear God,

Thank you that we are all unique and special,

Give us the courage to discover more about ourselves,

Help us to accept ourselves and others so we all have the confidence to show who we truly are,



Week Commencing: 6th May.

Focus Question: Can the past help us to learn about modern life?

News Story: A new study from the Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, using evidence found in northwestern Italy, has found that Neanderthals (an extinct relative of humans) organised their living areas in a similar way to people today. It was thought that Neanderthals’ lives weren’t as sophisticated as this or as similar to those of modern humans. The researchers looked at sites of both Neanderthals and Homo sapiens and compared how things like tools and animal bones were positioned in the living area. They found Neanderthals organised their items depending on the different tasks and activities they were doing.

British Values: Individual Liberty - We have the freedom to make our own choices. We can pursue areas of learning that interest us and we can share our knowledge and understanding with others.


Dear God,

Thank you for all the people who have shaped and influenced the world we live in today,

Help us to consider our actions and how they can impact others positively,



Week Commencing: 29th April.

Focus Question: How can shops make sure that everyone feels represented?

News Story: Stef Reid MBE, a former Paralympian medal-winner who represented Canada and Great Britain, is asking Nike and other sportswear companies to start selling individual trainers to single-leg amputees. The request comes after noticing the company using mannequins with running blades to promote its products in shops. Stef has said that by refusing to sell single shoes, Nike is not living up to its values of diversity and inclusion. In a video viewed over 3 million times, Reid said she was thrilled to be shown photos of mannequins in Nike stores with running blades wearing a single shoe.

British Values: Democracy - We can listen to others carefully and use our voices to make sure everyone is included and treated fairly.


Dear God,

Thank you for the people who shine their light on us,

Help us shine our light on others’ lives,

Help me trust that in times of darkness, love, hope, and faith can create light,



Week Commencing: 22nd April.

Focus Question: Can you learn to persevere?

News Story: Scottish runner, Jasmin Paris, has become the first female to complete what is thought by many to be the world's toughest race. Jasmin is one of only twenty people to have successfully completed the Barkley Marathons in Tennessee, USA. She crossed the finish line in March with less than 100 seconds to spare before the 60-hour cut-off time. Jasmin said she wanted to inspire others and test the limits of her capabilities.

British Values: Individual Liberty - We each have unique talents, interests and goals. We all have the right to choose the dreams we wish to pursue.


Dear God,

Thank you for the challenges that we face,

Help us to see them as opportunities to learn and grow,

Help us to persevere even when things are tough,



Week Commencing: 15th April.

Focus Question: What does art mean to you?

News Story: A new artwork, from the mysterious street artist Banksy, appeared in North London overnight in March. The artwork shows green paint sprayed on a wall behind a cut-back tree to look like greenery, with a stencil of a person holding a spray can next to it. In the days following its creation, it was covered with plastic and surrounded by wooden boards to protect it. The local council, Islington, has added a frame around the site, which has plastic panels to allow people to view the artwork, whilst ensuring its protection.

British Values: Mutual Respect & Tolerance - We understand that people have different preferences and opinions in relation to art. It is important to respect the opinions and preferences of others.


Dear God,

Thank you that we live in a world full of creativity,

Thank you that we are all different and show our creativity in different ways,

Help us to find places and things we can look at and feel a sense of wonder,



Week Commencing: 25th March.

Focus Question: Should there be a limit on how rich one person can become?

News Story: Poverty-fighting charity, Oxfam, recently released a new report on inequality and global corporate power. It found that the world’s five richest people have more than doubled their fortunes from a combined total of £321 billion to £688 billion since 2020. The wealth of the poorest 60% (nearly five billion people) has fallen. If this trend continues, the world will have its first trillionaire within 10 years, whilst poverty may not be eradicated for another nearly 230 years.

British Values: Individual Liberty - We are free to make our own choices and pursue our own goals. At times, it is important to consider those less fortunate than ourselves when making decisions in order to make the world a better place for everyone.


Dear God,

Thank you for all the things we have,

Help us to understand everybody is equal and important,

Help us to share our riches, whatever these may be, with others,



Week Commencing: 11th March.

Focus Question: Should mobile phones be banned in classrooms?

News Story: Ministers have confirmed plans to ban the use of mobile phones in English schools and have released guidance for headteachers. The guidance is not statutory and offers schools different ways of introducing the ban. These include an order to leave all phones at home, handing them in on arrival, keeping them in inaccessible lockers or allowing pupils to keep them, on the condition they are not used or heard.

British Values: Rule of Law - Sometimes bans can be put in place, which means something is officially or legally prohibited (disallowed). Rules and laws are there to help protect us and keep us safe.


Dear God,

Thank you for all the opportunities we have to learn,

Help us to listen, concentrate and focus,

Help us teach and share your message with others.



Week Commencing: 4th March.

Focus Question: How do you think World Book Day should be celebrated?

News Story: Across the UK and Ireland, the charity, World Book Day, will be holding its annual celebration on Thursday 7th March. The day is a chance to celebrate and encourage reading in schools and homes. Children are more likely to enjoy reading when they have greater control over what they read and when there is an emphasis on fun, the charity believes. Many schools choose to recognise the day by encouraging children to dress up as their favourite book characters, bringing in their favourite books and holding other reading activities in school.

British Values: Mutual Respect & Tolerance - Reading can help us to learn more about our world. It can help us understand and respect other people’s faiths, beliefs and culture and that life is not the same for everyone.


Dear God,

Thank you for all the wonderful things we can celebrate,

Help us to recognise the importance of Easter,

Thank you for Jesus and the hope he gives us,



Week Commencing: 26th February.

Focus Question: How can you make your voice heard?

News Story: In countries across Europe, including Romania, Belgium, France, Hungary, Poland and Greece, tractors have been blocking city streets and motorways as farmers protest against certain European Union (EU) rules. Their concerns include falling incomes, rising red tape, and competition from imports. Both national governments and the EU are now under pressure to stop the demonstrations. One protesting farmer, Hugo Auge from France, told news reporters for CNN that the current system, ‘makes a mockery of both farmers and consumers’.

British Values: Democracy - As part of a democracy, we have the right to protest. It is one of the ways a group of people can show when they strongly agree or disagree with something and have their voices heard.


Dear God,

Thank you for all the food we have to eat,

Thank you for the farmers who produce our food,

We pray for people living in our world who may be hungry,



Week Commencing: 12th February.

Focus Question: Should we learn sign language at school?

News Story: Pupils in England will have the choice to take a GCSE exam in British Sign Language (BSL) from 2025. BSL is a form of communication using hand gestures and other movements. Pupils, who take the subject, will learn around 1,000 different signs. Fairfield High School (pictured in this week’s poster) already runs a successful extracurricular club in response to pupils’ interest in learning BSL.

British Values: Mutual Respect and Tolerance - Learning about the many ways people communicate can help us celebrate our differences and respect one another.


Week Commencing: 5th February.

Focus Question: What makes someone inspirational?

News Story: 45-year-old Mar Galcerán from Spain has become the country’s first elected parliamentarian with Down's syndrome. Maria del Mar Galcerán Gadea is thought to be the first person with the genetic disorder to join a European regional or national parliament. She has been involved with politics since she was 18, when she joined Spain's conservative People's Party. Speaking to the media, Mar Galcerán said she wants to be seen as a person, and not for her disability.

.British Values: Democracy - As adults, we will be able to vote for the people we want to represent us in parliament. As children, we have opportunities to vote for those we want to represent us such as school council members, sports, arts and eco committees.


Dear God,

Thank you for all the people and things that inspire and encourage us,

Thank you for my gifts and talents that inspire others,

Thank you for Jesus, who showed us how to live,



Week Commencing: 29th January

Focus Question: Is fashion important?

News Story: A new BBC television programme, called Style It Out, gives nine young promising fashion designers from all over the UK the chance to compete in designing different outfits. The winner will have their clothes showcased at London Fashion Week. The main focuses of the challenge are creativity and sustainability, with the contestants having to use second-hand materials. As people’s awareness of the impact of fast fashion increases, sustainable clothing is becoming more at the forefront of shoppers’ minds.

British Values: Individual Liberty - We can choose what clothes we wear and what we do with them when we no longer want or need them. It is important to remember our actions have consequences, which can affect the environment.


Dear God,

Thank you that we are all different and enjoy wearing different clothes,

Help us to dress ourselves in compassion and consider the environment,



Week Commencing: 22nd January

Focus Question: Will self-driving vehicles change our lives?

News Story: Motorists in Britain could be completing journeys using driverless cars by 2026 the transport secretary, Mark Harper, has predicted. He believes that fully autonomous vehicles, in which people become passengers in their own cars, will arrive in the UK that year and follow a gradual rollout. The government introduced a bill in a speech by King Charles III that paved the way for autonomous cars, without a safety driver, after pressure from industry, MPs, and Sir Patrick Vallance in his recent review of technology regulation.

British Values: Rule of Law - There are rules and laws that people must follow when driving vehicles. These help keep everyone safe. As we move into the future, the rules and laws will change. Who is responsible for vehicles in the future may change too!


Dear God,

Thank you for the wonderful world and everything in it,

Thank you for the people who make new discoveries that aim to make our lives better,

Help us to look after all Creation,



Week Commencing: 15th January

Focus Question: Is an e-reader better than a book?

News Story: A study from the University of Valencia, in Spain, found that print reading could boost skills by six to eight times more than digital reading, for example, on an e-reader or tablet. The study, published in the Review of Educational Research, also found that while there is a negative relationship between digital reading and comprehension for primary school pupils, the relationship turns positive for secondary school-aged pupils.

British Values: Individual Liberty - We are all provided with the opportunity to learn to read. Sometimes learning to read can take perseverance and resilience, which we can be responsible for.


Dear God,

Thank you that we can learn to read,

Thank you for everything that we can enjoy reading,

Thank you for the Bible and all that it teaches us,



Week Commencing: 8th January

Focus Question: Are emojis an important part of communication?

News Story: 10-year-old Teddy Cottle from Oxfordshire has launched a petition calling for Apple to change the glasses emoji, also known as the ‘nerd’ emoji, as he says it gives the wrong impression of glasses-wearers. Teddy decided to write a letter to Apple requesting the design be changed, asking his classmates and French teacher, Lisa Baillie, to sign it. She suggested instead that it should become a petition and it was launched on

British Values: Mutual Respect & Tolerance - We are all different. Learning about each other can help us understand and respect one another. Emojis should represent our diverse world and be inclusive.


Dear God,

Thank you that you created each one of us to be unique and special,

Help us to recognise that not everyone will behave or act in the same way,

Help us to communicate the love you give us on our faces and in our actions,



Week Commencing: 18th December

Focus Question: Are decorations an important part of celebrations?

News Story: Twinpike Way, a street in York, is also known as Twinklepike Way as usually in December, every home is lit up with incredible festive lights to raise money for charity. The residents started putting up the lights in 2000 and since then, hundreds of people have come to visit them. After 20 years and raising over £100,000 for charities, the homeowners have collectively decided that it’s time for a break this year, partly due to the ages of the residents. Rising energy bills and the closure of the local bank branch, where the donations are typically paid, added to the decision.

British Values: Democracy - The residents of Twinpike Way collectively decided not to decorate their homes this year. When making decisions with others, it is important to share your own thoughts, listen and show respect


Dear God,

Thank you for all the exciting things that come at this time of year,

Thank you for the most special and greatest gift of all, Jesus,



Week Commencing: 11th December

Focus Question: What is rubbish?

News Story: British litter-pickers have become world champions in the litter-picking World Cup (also known as the SpoGomi World Cup) after sifting through nearly 60 kilograms of rubbish in the Japanese capital to win the first-ever contest of its kind. The British team, made up of Sarah Parry and brothers Alexander and Jonathan Winship, beat teams from 20 other nations from around the world. SpoGomi is named after a combination of ‘sport’ and ‘gomi’, the Japanese word for rubbish. Each team is equipped with protective gloves, metal tongs and waste bags, and allocated an area of five square kilometres (nearly two square miles) in the busy Shibuya district of Tokyo, to collect as much litter as possible.

British Values: Individual Liberty - We can choose what we do with our rubbish. Some of our choices and actions can have a more positive impact on the environment and our health than others.


Week Commencing: 4th December

Focus Question: What is it like to live through an uncertain time?

News Story: Scientists monitoring a volcano in Iceland have said an eruption could happen. The Fagradalsfjall volcano previously erupted two years ago, in 2021 - the first time in over 800 years. It is now thought that the volcano is the cause of a series of earthquakes, which started this October. An underground river of magma led to the evacuation of 4,000 people from the town of Grindavik and Iceland has declared a state of emergency. People who live there have since been allowed to return just to collect belongings, with the likelihood of eruptions remaining high.

British Values: Rule of Law - Sometimes rules, such as not allowing people to stay in their homes, may be introduced in response to an event. They are put in place to help protect people and keep them safe.


Dear God,

When I feel alone, help me remember you will never leave me,

Help me to be there for others when they face difficulties,

Thank you for giving me strength, courage and your love,



Week Commencing: 27th November

Focus Question: Who is responsible for Antarctica?

News Story: Scientists have found more flowering plants, moss, and algae in Antarctica in the last 10 years than usually grow in 50 years, and the extent of floating sea ice there has hit record lows. Polar explorer and environmentalist, Robert Swan, has been so concerned about the radical changes to Antarctica that he founded the 2041 Foundation, with the aim of ensuring the preservation of Antarctica through the promotion of recycling, renewable energy, and sustainability to combat the effects of climate change. The charity, 2041 School, encourages young people to learn more about the initiative.

British Values: Individual Liberty - I am responsible for my actions. It is important to remember they can have an impact on people, places and things. We can choose actions that can help preserve and protect Antarctica.


Dear God,

Thank you for giving us this wonderful world,

Help us recognise and understand how our actions affect it,

Give us the courage to choose actions that care for and protect all Creation,



Week Commencing: 20th November

Focus Question: How can we show compassion to others?

News Story: Community centres, libraries, businesses, and churches across the UK have been set up as free warm spaces to help provide warmth and companionship during the winter months. With cold weather continuing, charities and campaign groups are concerned that households face higher energy bills than last year. More than 12,000 warm banks were used by millions of Britons last winter in response to rising energy prices that worsened the UK’s cost of living crisis. The scheme was set up by local councils, charities, and partner organisations.

British Values: Mutual Respect & Tolerance - Life is not the same for everyone. By showing compassion, we ensure our behaviour, actions and words affect others in a positive way.


Dear God,

Help us to recognise when we or someone else may be struggling,

Help us to make the world a better place with our compassion,

Thank you that you are always here,



Week Commencing: 13th November

Focus Question: Are there some jobs robots could never do?

News Story: A new robot called Digit, designed to be human-like and that is capable of lifting and moving items, is being tested in warehouses of the online retailer, Amazon. The robot is in its first few weeks of trials at Amazon’s facility in Seattle, USA, as the company tries to improve automation in its processes. To begin with, the robot is being taught to pick up and move empty boxes to ensure that they are ready for reuse. The yellow boxes, or totes, are used throughout the company’s fulfilment process.

British Values: Mutual Respect & Tolerance - Robots feature in some people’s lives more than others. Life is not the same for everyone and we can show respect for the beliefs others have and the choices they make.


Dear God,

Thank you for the technology that enhances our lives and the wonderful world,

Help us to use technology to protect and care for all Creation,



Week Commencing: 6th November

Focus Question: How important is it to understand money?

News Story: A study, conducted by the government and backed by the Money and Pensions Service, has estimated that around 5.4 million children in the UK do not have the money skills they will need in adulthood. Less than half of children and teenagers aged 7 to 17 have received a meaningful financial education, according to the results. It also found that a third of children recall learning about money in school and finding it useful, and nearly a quarter received key elements of financial education at home.

British Values: individual Liberty - We can take responsibility for our money and make choices about how to spend or save it.


Dear God,

Thank you for always being there and teaching us what is important,

Help us be responsible for loving others,

Thank you for always loving us,



Week Commencing: 30th October

Focus Question: Should speed limits be lowered in your local area?

News Story: Wales has reduced its maximum speed limit in residential areas, close to homes and schools, from 30mph to 20mph, becoming the first nation in the UK to introduce these measures. Ministers in Wales have said the 20mph limit will make roads safer, with the aim also being to increase the number of people choosing to walk or cycle. Changing the speed limit, along with the need to raise awareness and amend road signs, has cost the government in Wales just over £32m. However, ministers believe the cost will be outweighed by reduced impact on emergency services and the NHS.

British Values: Rule of Law - Speed limits are put in place to reduce road accidents and keep people safer. These limits are law and if a vehicle exceeds them there can
be consequences.


Dear God,

Help us show respect for the laws and rules that keep us safe,

Thank you for the Ten Commandments that tell us how to live safely together,

Help us to think about other people,



Week Commencing: 16th October

Focus Question: How can we remember things that were important to us?

News Story: The tree at the centre of the world-famous 'Sycamore Gap' on Hadrian's Wall, England, has reportedly been deliberately felled on the night of 28th September and was discovered by walkers the next morning. The National Trust said it was ‘shocked and saddened’ by the felling of the tree, which won English Tree of the Year in 2016.

British Values: Individual Liberty - We can choose whether to care for and protect the places and things that are special to ourselves or others. It is important to remember our actions have consequences.


Dear God,

Thank you for the beauty and wonder of the world that we can enjoy,

We are sorry for times when we don’t care for it as we should,

Help us to protect and care for all Creation,



Week Commencing: 9th October

Focus Question: How does change happen?

News Story: October is Black History Month in the UK. This year’s theme is ‘Saluting our Sisters’ - highlighting the role Black women have played in shaping history, inspiring change, and building communities in the UK. Commemorations will feature Black women, who have made outstanding contributions to many areas including music, literature, fashion, sport, business, politics, and health care.

British Values: Democracy - In the past, some people have been ignored because of their colour. Everyone has a voice and the right to be heard.


Dear God,

During Black History Month, help us to take the time to recognise and reflect on the unfairness in the past,

Thank you for all the amazing Black women and their contributions to our society,

Help us to use our voices to challenge injustices,



Week Commencing: 2nd October

Focus Question: Can anyone break a world record?

News Story: The 2024 edition of the Guinness World Records has been released. This year, over 30,000 applicants submitted their achievements, but only 2,638 records were selected for the edition, which features more than 80% new and updated records. The annual collection of records has run since 1955, when it was first inspired by the question 'What's the fastest game bird in Europe?'. Its latest edition is themed around the Blue Planet, with a number of records celebrated, including those set by impressive marine creatures, adventurous sailors and record-breaking lakes, rivers and icescapes

British Values: Mutual Respect & Tolerance - The Guinness World Records provides a fantastic opportunity to see the gifts, talents and interests other people living all over the world have. I understand and respect that not everyone is the same as me.


The Lord’s Prayer


Week Commencing: 25th September

Focus Question: How important is space exploration?

News Story: In recent weeks, both India and Russia's space agencies have tried to send unmanned missions to the Moon. They were heading to the lunar South Pole, which is a less explored part of the Moon. Whilst Russia's shuttle crashed into the Moon's surface after spinning out of control, India has become the first nation to land near the Moon’s South Pole. The mission, named Chandrayaan-3, has been declared a success as the Vikram lander touched down at the end of August. The lunar South Pole is covered by shadow and largely unknown.

British Values: Individual Liberty - Exploring space can be exciting and helps
us to learn more about the universe. We have a responsibility to consider the impact space exploration may have and manage any risks involved.

A Prayer

Dear God,

Thank you for creating the universe and everything in it,

Thank you that there are so many wonderful and beautiful places for us to explore and enjoy,

Help us to care for all creation,



Week Commencing: 18th September

Focus Question: Is a school more than just a building?

News Story: More than 100 schools across the UK have been affected
by a potentially dangerous concrete used in their construction between the 1950s and the mid-90s. The crisis has left some school staff struggling to find temporary teaching accommodation and forced many pupils to begin their academic year learning online. It’s not just schools affected; more than 30 hospitals are also believed to be at risk, according to experts.

British Values: Mutual Respect & Tolerance - There are many different people in school. Each of us is unique and special. I understand and respect that not everyone is the same as me and that we all need to be treated as individuals.

A Prayer

Dear God,

Thank you for our school and all  the people in it, who care for us, believe in us and love us,

Help us to remember that it doesn’t matter where we are, we are still a special part of our school,



Week Commencing: 11th September

Focus Question: Should lifejackets be compulsory for all on open water?

News Story: In Canada, the government in the province of Ontario is set to pass a new law that will make it compulsory for children aged 12 and under to wear lifejackets on boats. Parents, guardians, or other adults supervising children could be subject to a fine of up to $200 (£130) if they do not comply. In the UK, currently, there is no legal requirement for anyone using rivers and seas for leisure purposes to wear a lifejacket/personal flotation device (PFD).

British Values: Rule of Law - The province of Ontario is set to pass a new law that will make it compulsory for children aged 12 and under to wear lifejackets on boats. Rules and laws are there to help protect us and keep us safe.

A Prayer

Dear God,

Give us the wisdom to recognise the dangers around us,

Help us to make choices that keep ourselves and others safe,

Thank you for always being there and helping to protect us,



Week Commencing: 4th September

Focus Question: What can we learn from new adventures?

News Story: Almost ten years ago, the now 44-year-old Torbjørn Pedersen from Denmark left his job and family behind to begin a life-changing journey. His goal was to visit every country in the world without flying on a plane. In May this year, Pedersen successfully visited his 203rd and final country, the Maldives. After celebrating, he backtracked to Malaysia via Sri Lanka to board a container ship for the 33-day trip home. Now he has had time to rest and reflect, Pedersen plans to write a book about his adventure.

British Values: Individual Liberty - There are many challenges and adventures we will face throughout our lives. Some we may choose to do; others we do not. We can, however, choose how we respond to these challenges and the actions we take.

A Prayer

Dear God,

Thank you for always being there and never giving up on us,

Give us the courage to face challenges and the strength to keep going,

Help us to achieve good things,



Week Commencing: 17th July

Focus Question: What makes art valuable?

News Story: Austrian artist Gustav Klimt’s final portrait has become
the most expensive artwork ever auctioned in Europe. The painting, called Lady with a Fan, sold for the final price of £85.3m at Sotheby's in London. It was sold to an art collector from Hong Kong, with three other bidders hoping to buy the piece. When Klimt died in 1918, the portrait of the unnamed woman was still on an easel in his studio. The estimated sale price was a much lower £65m, which bidders quickly went over, and the painting sold in just 10 minutes.

British Values: Mutual Respect & Tolerance - Artwork can mean different things to different people. We can show respect to others and the things they value, even if these are different from our own.

A Prayer

Dear God,

Thank you for all the artists who make such varied and wonderful works of art for us to enjoy,

Thank you for creating us and that we are each special, wonderful, unique and valuable works of art,



Week Commencing: 10th July

Focus Question: Should you always want to win?

News Story: The world-famous Wimbledon tennis tournament is currently underway and will conclude on 16th July. Experienced player, Venus Williams, made her 24th appearance in the singles draw at Wimbledon after the 43-year-old American was given a wild card entry. Venus is a five-time Wimbledon singles champion and reached the final in 2017, 20 years after her first appearance there.

British Values: Mutual Respect & Tolerance - Our behaviour, actions and words affect others. We can show respect to ourselves and each other, whether we win or lose.

A Prayer

Dear God,

Thank you for all the different gifts and talents we have,

Help us to persevere when we find something difficult so we can become better,



Week Commencing: 3rd July

Focus Question: Should everyone learn the Countryside Code?

News Story: A new UK government campaign hopes to encourage young people to ‘respect, protect and enjoy’ the countryside. The campaign follows new research from Natural England, which shows that 80% of children and young people agreed that looking after the environment was important to them, and 83% said they wanted to do more to look after nature and wildlife. The well-known cartoon character, Shaun the Sheep is the new face of the Countryside Code.

British Values: Mutual Respect - The Countryside Code helps us all to work together as a society, to do the right actions for both people and places.

A Prayer

Dear God,

Thank you for the beautiful world we live in,

Thank you for all the wonderful places we can visit and enjoy,

Help us to respect, protect and care for all your creation,



Week Commencing: 26th June

Focus Question: What is bravery?

News Story: Four children have been found alive after surviving a plane crash and spending forty days alone in Colombia's Amazon jungle. Colombia's president, Gustavo Petro heralded the rescue as a joy for the whole country. The four siblings were the only survivors of the plane that crash landed in the jungle on 1st May. They then became the focus of a massive rescue operation, involving soldiers and local people. Speaking of the incredible feat of survival, Gustavo Petro said, ‘They were alone, they themselves achieved an example of total survival which will remain in history’

British Values: Individual Liberty - There are some situations or challenges we face that may be tricky. Learning how to manage risks can help us make choices and take action in response to these.

A Prayer

Dear God,

Thank you for helping us face the things we find difficult or scary,

Help us to be brave and courageous and trust that you are always there,



Week Commencing: 19th June

Focus Question: How has travel changed our lives?

News Story: Within the next ten years, people may be able to travel between London and Sydney in just two hours by journeying through space on a sub-orbital flight. The current length of a traditional flight between London, UK, and Sydney, Australia, is at least 20-22 hours and usually entails a stop-off to refuel along the way. A sub-orbital flight involves launching spacecraft to an altitude above the Kármán line (the boundary of space).

British Values: Mutual Respect & Tolerance - Having access to travel can help us learn more about people living in our world. Life is not the same for everyone and we should respect that.

A Prayer

Dear God,

Thank you for all the different ways we can travel, which help us explore your wonderful world,

Give courage to those who may have a difficult journey to make,



Week Commencing: 19th June

Focus Question: How has travel changed our lives?

News Story: Within the next ten years, people may be able to travel between London and Sydney in just two hours by journeying through space on a sub-orbital flight. The current length of a traditional flight between London, UK, and Sydney, Australia, is at least 20-22 hours and usually entails a stop-off to refuel along the way. A sub-orbital flight involves launching spacecraft to an altitude above the Kármán line (the boundary of space).

British Values: Mutual Respect & Tolerance - Having access to travel can help us learn more about people living in our world. Life is not the same for everyone and we should respect that.

A Prayer

Dear God,

Thank you for all the different ways we can travel, which help us explore your wonderful world,

Give courage to those who may have a difficult journey to make,



Week Commencing: 12th June

Focus Question: What is the best way to show your support?

News Story: 13-year-old Max Woosey - also known as the ‘Boy in the Tent’ - has recently set a Guinness World Record for the most money raised by camping. Inspired by a family friend, the young teenager has raised over £750,000 for North Devon Hospice. Max spent every night in a tent since he began his challenge three years ago in the garden of his home in Braunton, Devon. ‘It's been the best three years of my life,’ he said, describing the challenge.

British Values: Individual Liberty - We all have the right and freedom to raise awareness of the things that are important to us. We should consider how we choose to do this and the impact it may have on others. We can all make a positive difference!

A Prayer

Dear God,

Thank you for all the people in our lives who support us.

Help us to recognise when others need us so we can give them our support too,

Thank you for always loving us, always being there and for giving us strength,



Week Commencing: 5th June

Focus Question: Is it  better to reuse or recycle?

News Story: Ahead of World Environment Day on 5th June, a new report from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has announced that countries could cut plastic pollution by 80% in fewer than 20 years. The last few decades have seen plastic production levels increase dramatically, especially single-use plastic, and waste management systems are struggling to cope. The report offers a plan of action for governments and businesses to significantly cut levels of plastic pollution.

British Values: Rule of Law - In some countries, there are laws that ban certain single-use plastics. This is to help care for and protect our environment.

A Prayer

Dear God,

Thank you for the wonderful world you created,

Please help me to care for and protect the world to make sure it remains wonderful,



Week Commencing: 29th May

Focus Question: Could your local area be more inclusive?

News Story: A new project announced by the Greek government hopes
to make hundreds of the country’s beaches wheelchair accessible by installing remote-operated ramps and making toilets accessible to all. Greek company Tobea invented Seatrac, a special track allowing wheelchair users direct access to the sea. The aim is to install this solar-powered feature at 287 beaches across the country. So far, the improvements have already been installed at more than 140 beaches.

British Values: Mutual Respect & Tolerance - We know that life is not the same for everyone. Accessing places can be much more difficult for some people. It is important to understand and respect the needs and feelings of others

A Prayer

Dear God,

Give us the strength to think of others before ourselves and show compassion,

Help us to recognise when others may not be included and take action,

Thank you that we are all different and special and that you love us all,



Week Commencing: 22nd May 2023

Focus Question: Has being online changed things for the better?

News Story: 30 years ago, on 30th April 1993, Swiss science company CERN opened up the World Wide Web to the world, free-of-charge. The ‘collaborative information system’ was being used by the scientists at CERN (the European Organisation for Nuclear Research) to communicate, without delay, across countries and continents but deciding that there could be wider uses for the tool, they made it available for everyone.

British Values: Individual Liberty - Having access to information is a right we all have. Using the World Wide Web can have many benefits but also risks. We can manage the risks and help to keep ourselves safe whilst using it.

A Prayer

Dear God,

Thank you for the World Wide Web,

Help us to use it wisely – to learn more, to share good news and to spread joy,



Week Commencing: 15th May 2023

Focus Question: Should all animals be treated equally?

News Story: Blackpool Zoo is looking to hire a team of people in an attempt to scare away nuisance seagulls - by dressing them in bird costumes. Blackpool Zoo says the birds have been persistently stealing food from visitors and animal enclosures. The role, which would be housed within the Zoo’s Visitor Services team, will involve someone dressing up as an eagle and keeping seagulls away from the main visitor dining areas.

British Values: Mutual Respect & Tolerance - Seagulls are known for stealing food and can be a nuisance! Not everyone will feel this way. We can show respect to people who have different beliefs and opinions.

A Prayer

Dear God,

Thank you for all the animals you created,

Help us to care for and protect them,

Help us to treat them all with respect, even if we need to use protective measures to keep ourselves or something safe,



Week Commencing: 8th May 2023

Focus Question: Do you think music has a positive impact on the world?

News Story: For the first time since 1998, the United Kingdom will play host to the Eurovision Song Contest and will do so on behalf of last year’s winners, Ukraine, who are unable to host due to the ongoing war. This year marks the 67th edition of the competition and 37 countries have chosen to compete for the famous, life-changing trophy. The city of Liverpool will be hosting this year’s event and it’s thought that more than 160 million people will be watching!

British Values: Democracy - We all have a voice. We can use our voice to choose our favourite song in the Eurovision Song Contest. We may even cast a vote!

A Prayer

Dear God,

Thank you for music,

Thank you for all the instruments and creative people from all around the world, who give us a variety of music,

Thank you that music can help us see, feel and remember,



Week Commencing: 1st May 2023

Focus Question: How do you choose to celebrate significant events?

News Story: The coronation of King Charles III is taking place at Westminster Abbey on Saturday 6th May. During the ceremony, the King will be crowned alongside Camilla, the Queen Consort. Buckingham Palace has announced various events for the weekend, including a concert and laser light show at Windsor Castle on Sunday 7th May. There will be an extra bank holiday across the UK on Monday 8th May and people are also being invited to hold street parties, and to take part in volunteering projects in their local community.

British Values: Mutual Respect & Tolerance - We are all different; our lives, and our beliefs. How or if we choose to celebrate the coronation will be different too and we respect this.

A Prayer

Dear God,

Thank you for all the wonderful things we can celebrate,

Thank you for the special people in our lives, who celebrate with us,

Thank you for always being there, celebrating with us and sharing in our joy,



Week Commencing: 24th April 2023

Focus Question: How do you learn best?

News Story: An educational television programme for young people in Afghanistan has been launched by the BBC. The TV show has been created to help children, who have been banned from going to school in the country, and is aimed at children aged 11 to 16. The Taliban group, who took over the country in 2021, have stopped girls over the age of 11 from attending school. The weekly programme is called Dars, which means ‘lesson’ in Afghanistan's official languages.

British Values: Rule of Law - Different countries have different rules and laws about school and education. In the UK, all children must be provided with an education from age 5 to 18.

A Prayer

Dear God,

Thank you for all the different resources and people who help us learn,

Thank you for teaching us how to live and showing us the right way,



Week Commencing: 17th April 2023

Focus Question: Can you prepare for emergency situations?

News Story: Loud siren-like sounds will be triggered on mobile phones and other devices on 23rd April as part of a UK Government test of its new emergency alerts system. The service will broadcast alarms and send emergency advice to people's devices to warn them of nearby danger that could threaten their life such as a large fire or flooding. As part of the service's roll out, a number of trials are taking place.

British Values: Individual Liberty - There are many situations in life that
can become dangerous. By considering the consequences of our actions and managing risks, we can help to keep ourselves and others safer.


Week Commencing: 27th March 2023

Focus Question: How do communities support each other in difficult times?

News Story: Schools in parts of Turkey and Syria have been reopening in the weeks since devastating earthquakes hit, many in the form of makeshift tents. Teachers in the affected areas are making certain children’s education continues, despite the difficult circumstances. Many school buildings were affected in the earthquakes at the start of February, leading to all educational institutions nationwide being closed for over two weeks. Although many learning centres have since reopened, lessons have had to also continue in tent schools, set up by volunteers and authorities in the worst affected areas.

British Values: Mutual Respect & Tolerance - Community groups can be formed by people with similar interests or characteristics. Not everyone shares the same interests or characteristics as each other but we can respect that.

A Prayer

Dear God,

Thank you for all the people within our communities, who play a part in our lives,

Help us to understand we all have a part to play in making our communities special,

Help us recognise when others in our community need us,



Week Commencing: 20th March 2023

Focus Question: How important are guide dogs for those in need?

News Story: Sight loss charity, The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association, has launched an appeal for volunteers to help raise and foster guide dogs. Guide dog users rely on their companions for help inside and outside the home, and for many, for their independence. In a recent documentary shown on the BBC, journalist Sean Dilley told of his relationship with his guide dog, Sammy, who recently retired. After the programme aired, the charity had close to 5,000 people stepping forward to volunteer. Before the Covid 19 pandemic in 2020, there were over 4,800 guide dog partnerships and now there are 3,695. More than one in five people who had a guide dog before then now do not.

British Values: Mutual Respect & Tolerance - My behaviour, actions and words can affect others. Volunteering is an action that can affect others in a positive way and help make a difference to their lives.

A Prayer

Dear God,

Thank you for the gift of sight that lets me see all the wonderful things in the world,

Help us to be aware of those who cannot see,

Help us see your light, love and hope,



Week Commencing: 13th March 2023

Focus Question: Should Roald Dahl books be changed for modern times?

News Story: Book publisher, Puffin, has announced that stories by the famous children's author Roald Dahl are going to be changed, making them more suitable for modern times. Roald Dahl is famous for his books, including Matilda, Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, and The BFG. The changes include taking out unkind descriptions of characters' appearance such as ‘fat’ and ‘ugly’. Some people disagree with changes, including the UK Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak and the Queen Consort, Camilla.

British Values: Rule of Law - As we move into the future, things develop, change and modernise. Rules and laws will sometimes need to be updated because of this

A Prayer

Dear God,

Thank you for the world we live in,

As time passes and changes, help me focus on what is important,

Help me to focus on love,



Week Commencing: 6th March 2023

Focus Question: Could you do more to protect your local area?

News Story: It has been suggested that the number of hazel dormice in the UK has dropped from around 3.5 million to only 750,000 in almost 30 years. Currently, their conservation status is classed as ‘vulnerable’, but some researchers say people should be more worried for them. A recent report from the University of Exeter urges for hazel dormice to be reclassified as ‘endangered’ and calls for more conservation action.

British Values: Democracy - We all have a voice and our opinions should be heard. If we want to help care for and protect natural habitats, we can use our voice and take action

A Prayer

Dear God,

Thank you for all of the amazing animals that share the world with us,

Help us to take responsibility for

them and do all we can to care for and protect them,



Week Commencing: 27th February 2023

Focus Question: Will the world become cashless in the future?

News Story: A safe, digital pound that can be used in shops or online is likely to be needed for the future, the government has said. The Treasury and the Bank of England will explore the idea. It would be issued by the Bank of England and accessed by people and businesses through ‘digital wallets’ on smartphones or smartcards. Users would not hold accounts directly at the central bank and could use the currency online and for payments made in shops or restaurants in person.

British Values: Individual Liberty - People can choose how they spend their money. There may be benefits and consequences of spending money in each of its forms, which may vary for each individual.

A Prayer

Dear God,

Thank you for the things we own.

Help us understand that kindness
and generosity can bring happiness,
which can make us feel rich and is a true measure of wealth.



Week Commencing: 13th February 2023

Focus Question: What is the most important form of communication?

News Story: Humans can understand other apes’ common methods of sign language, scientists have just discovered. Researchers at the University of St Andrews in Scotland have found that people can comprehend the meaning of signals apes, such as wild chimps and bonobos, use to communicate with each other. The scientists’ video-based study asked volunteers to interpret the gestures from clips of various apes and choose from a list of potential translations.

British Values: Mutual Respect & Tolerance - We are all different, so communicate in different ways. Developing our communication skills can help us become more understanding of the world we live in and may even help someone else feel welcome and cared for.

A Prayer:

Dear God,

Thank you for all the different ways
we can communicate with others.

Thank you for always listening.

Help us to speak to you and listen to your message,



Week Commencing: 6th February 2023

Focus Question: Should men and women’s sports teams be paid the same?

News Story:  The Welsh Football Association has announced that
the national men and women's football teams will be paid equally moving forward. Wales joins a list of other countries including Australia, USA, Norway, and Brazil, who pay their men and women football players the same amount to play for their country's national team. In order to reach the deal, the Wales men's senior team agreed to a 25% pay cut, thus enabling a 25% rise for the women's team, which now brings them both equal on pay.

British Values: Democracy - If we do not agree with something or do not think it is fair, we can use our voices to make changes. Wales’ national men and women's football teams will now receive equal pay.

A Prayer:

Dear God,

Thank you for teaching us kindness, fairness and love for everyone.

Give us the courage to stand up for
the things we believe are right.

Help us to build a world that values
all people equally.



Week Commencing: 30th January 2023

Focus Question: Does the natural world have rights?

News Story: Brazil's new president has said he aims to reduce deforestation and help protect the Amazon rainforest. In his first speech, Luiz Inácio da Silva (also known as Lula), promised to make climate protection a priority and explained he wanted to reach zero deforestation in the Amazon. Scientists often call the rainforest the ‘lungs of the planet’, because of the role it plays in absorbing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen, saying that preservation of the Amazon is vital to stopping climate change.

British Values: Rule of Law - Rules and laws can be put in place to help protect the natural world. We are all responsible for these rules and laws.

A Prayer:

Dear God,

Thank you for our beautiful world.

Thank you for the Amazon rainforest and everything in it.

Sorry for the damage we have caused.

Help us to do better, to be good stewards of the world and to protect and care for it.



Week Commencing: 23rd January 2023

Focus Question: How much control do influencers have over our choices?

News Story: A drink called ‘Prime Hydration’ has arrived in the UK and as quickly as it arrived, it sold out. The creators of the drink are online influencers KSI and Logan Paul. After opening, some shops saw pushing and shoving as people tried to get their hands on the drinks, with many deciding to limit customers to one bottle per person. The craze did not stop at the supermarket shelves; on eBay, the drinks were up for sale for thousands of pounds each. The founders of Prime, KSI and Logan Paul, have a combined YouTube following of over 40 million people.

British Values: Mutual Respect - We all have the power to influence so should consider how our behaviour, actions and words can affect others.

A Prayer:

Dear God,

Thank you for the freedom to make our own choices.

Help us to make choices that show kindness, forgiveness, compassion and love.

Help us to follow those who influence us positively and to know we have the power to use our positive influence on others too.



Week Commencing: 16th January 2023

Focus Question: Do we throw things away too easily?

News Story: Many of us are increasingly reusing, repairing, and upcycling items, instead of throwing them away and replacing with new ones, according to experts. Upcycling shop, the Repair Café in Wales believes, that because of the cost of living crisis, people are making the most of what they already have. Throwaway culture has been the norm since the 1950s but now appears to be declining.

British Values: Individual Liberty - It is important to remember all our actions have consequences. If we choose to repair items, we can save money, help the environment and learn new skills.

A Prayer:

Dear God,

Thank you for giving us hope and the possibility of a new start.

Sorry for any damage we may have caused in the past.

Help us to see the possibilities in everything around us

so that we can repair and restore.



Week Commencing: 9th January 2023

Focus Question: Can you learn how to manage to learn under pressure?

News Story:  18-year-old Andrea Spendolini-Sirieix has been named as a BBC Young Sports Personality of the Year finalist. She is one-time National Champion, two-time Commonwealth Champion, and two-time European Champion across 10-metre diving and 10-metre synchronised diving.  Skateboarder, Sky Brown, and gymnast, Jessica Gadirova, were nominated alongside Spendolini-Sirieix. Andrea is continuing with her A-Levels, attending school 3 days a week.

British Values: Mutual Respect & Tolerance - We are all different so the way we respond to the demands or pressures we may face will be different too. We understand and respect that not everyone is the same and everyone needs to be treated as an individual.

A Prayer:

Dear God,

Give us the wisdom to recognise when we may be feeling pressured and stressed.

Give us the wisdom to make changes or ask for help.

Help us recognise when others may need our help.

Thank you for always being there
and for giving us strength.



Week Commencing: 2nd January 2023

Focus Question: Should all the energy we use be renewable?

News Story: A flatpack wind turbine, invented by Douglas Macartney from Scotland, is to help provide power to communities in Kenya, Africa. Douglas designed the turbine for a competition four years ago, when he was only 15. It has now been developed into a working prototype with two additional solar panels by teams of student engineers from Glasgow Caledonian University. It is hoped the device, which can be assembled without any specialist training, will be used to help areas recovering from natural disasters and in rural settlements.

British Values: Democracy - Energy is required to power many of the useful and convenient items we use daily. This energy can be produced in many different ways. We can use our voices to share our thoughts on this and impact the future.

A Prayer:

Dear God,

Thank you for the incredible things you provided the world like the wind, which never runs out,

Thank you for the love you have for us and everything in the world.

Thank you that your love never runs out and will go on and on,
