Message from our Headteacher

  • Mrs Claire McCann

    Acting Headteacher

On behalf of the children, staff, church and governors, I welcome you to Dawpool Church of England Primary School. 

We are a welcoming, inclusive family school with a strong Christian ethos, a sense of community and a commitment to excellence for all children in our care.  We are ambitious in seeking to help each child discover who they are and what they are uniquely gifted to be and do. We do this by nurturing and rewarding the God-given talents of each child and responding to their individual needs. We want each child to be successful in their learning and to make a meaningful contribution to the world.

The Dawpool community are united in their ambition to create a school which embodies the person, love and work of Jesus Christ: a school which enables Christian values to flourish and where all children may experience the abundant life that Jesus offers. Pupils, parents, staff, church and governors work tirelessly to realise this vision. Together, we seek new ways to enhance our standards and achievements.

We have very close links with St Chad’s Church, Irby and St Bartholomew’s Church, Thurstaston. Our Christian values - known as the ‘Fruit of the Spirit’ - are embedded into the heart of the school:

‘Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Generosity, Faithfulness,

Gentleness & Self-Control (Galatians 22-23)

We are enormously proud of our school and its place in the local community of Thurstaston and Irby. Our locality at the foot of Thurstaston Hill is truly unique and I hope that through this website, you get a taste of what Dawpool offers and how we work.   Whether you are a parent, a pupil or a friend of the school, I hope you enjoy finding out about Dawpool. If you are a prospective parent, then I would love to meet you and take you on a tour of the school.

The links on the left will introduce you to our wonderful Dawpool team.

We look forward to meeting you.

Claire McCann

Acting Headteacher


'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord. 'Plans to prosper you and not to harm you,  plans to give you hope and a future.' (Jeremiah 29:11).