Year 4 Class Page

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Welcome to the Year 4 Homepage
2024 - 2025
Year 4 Staff
Mrs Broadbent (Mon - Wed)
Mrs Hall (Thurs - Fri)
Welcome to the Year 4 class page, we hope that you will find the information available useful. If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the team and we will be happy to help :)
To contact Mrs Broadbent or Mrs Hall,  please email: 
PE will be on Wednesday this week so can children please come into school in PE kits on Wednesday. This is due to our trip to the Floral on Tuesday.
A big thank you to Mrs Roberts for passing this message on via WhatsApp on my behalf. 
Reading -Each week children will bring their Reading Packs home on a Friday. Please return these by the following Wednesday.
Spelling - Spellings set each Friday to be learnt for the following Friday.
Reading Comprehension/Grammar - Most weeks the children will have a reading comprehension or piece of Grammar homework to complete. This will be topical or what we have been covering in class . 
Maths - Quick activity to further practise the concept we have been covering in class.
As discussed in our Learning Links meeting, homework should not be time consuming or onerous. Reading as much as possible is really important and the rest of the homework should take no more than thirty minutes each week.   
School Information Pack
Reading and Spelling Resources
 Curriculum Links and Resources