Meet our Governors
Welcome from the Co-Chairs of Governors
Dawpool School Governing Body is made up of volunteers who include 6 foundation governors (appointed by the Diocesan Board of Education, in conjunction with our Rector and our Parochial Church Council), 2 elected parents, 2 associate governors, 1 elected staff member, 1 co-opted governor, the Rector and the Headteacher.
Our governors have different skills, experiences and knowledge and all bring a valid and vital perspective to the governing board. We all visit school regularly, have discussions in committees, act as 'critical friends' and make decisions at full governing body meetings regularly. Together, we strive to ensure that the school's distinctive vision, values and aims are developed and that the school serves its community by providing an education of the highest quality.
Dawpool is blessed by committed and enthusiastic staff and governors, delightful children and supportive parents and families. It is a pleasure to join in school activities, to chat with staff and absorb their enthusiasm and passion for education and above all, to see the children learn and be happy.
The information below will provide you with more information about our Governing Body.
Rosalind Carter & Kate Reynolds (Co-Chairs)
Mrs R. Carter
Co-Chair of Governors, Foundation DBE
Mrs K. Reynolds
Co-Chair of Governors, Parent Elected
Mrs H. Williams
Vice Chair of Governors, SEND & Pupil Premium, Foundation DBE
Rev J. Turner
Foundation (Ex officio)
Mr C. Jarvis
Foundation DBE
Mrs J. Trigg
Safeguarding, Foundation DBE
Mrs C. Barnes
Parent Elected
Mrs V. Woods
Foundation DBE
Mrs C. McCann
Acting Head Teacher Governor
Mrs E. Kenney
Associate Governor
Foundation Governor